Roof covered with moss

How to Remove Moss from Roof 

9 minutes

Moss growth on shingle roofs can be a challenging issue to deal with. Not only does it make your roof look unsightly, but it can also create several problems. Large clumps of moss can degrade shingles over time, leading to cracks and breaks that allow water to enter the roof’s structure. Furthermore, many DIY methods of removing moss found online can cause more harm than good. Moss growth on rooftops is a common occurrence, especially in humid and damp environments. Though insignificant amounts of moss are harmless, it is when it is left unchecked and allowed to spread that it becomes problematic. Large clumps of moss can wedge between shingles and loosen them, making the roof vulnerable to water leaks.  

So, how can you safely remove moss from your roof? The first step is to assess the severity of the moss growth. If your roof has only a small amount of moss, it can be removed using a stiff brush or scraper. However, for large clumps of moss, you may need to use a more advanced method that we will explain later in this blog. Let’s dive into why moss is bad for you, how to remove it, best practices for keeping moss away in the future. 

Why Moss is Bad for Your Roof?

While moss may add a certain charm to your roof, it is important to understand that it can cause significant damage if left unattended. As mentioned earlier, moss can wedge between shingles and loosen them, leading to cracks and breaks that leave your roof susceptible to roof leaks. Here is a quick guide on how to find leaks in your roof. What’s more, moss can keep your roof shingles damp, which can accelerate the aging process and also cause them to rot. In addition, prolonged exposure to moss can also lead to the growth of algae and lichens, which can further deteriorate your roof’s structural integrity.  

As the moss continues to spread and grow, it can hold onto moisture against your shingles, promoting the growth of other organisms that can accelerate the wear and tear on your roof. The moisture trapped by the moss can lead to the development of mold and mildew, which can further damage your roof’s shingles and cause health issues for you and your family. Not only that, but the buildup of moss can also make your roof extremely slippery and hazardous, especially for those attempting to clean or maintain it.

These consistently wet conditions caused by moss growth on your roof can also create the perfect breeding ground for other organisms that thrive in damp environments. The Buildup of moss can make it so that water is not able to runoff effectively and can lead to pooling, inherently increasing the risk of leaking.  

Once you spot moss on your roof, even the smallest amount, you should act quickly to get rid of it and stop it from growing. Roofs are the perfect breeding ground for moss.  

Is Dead Moss Still an Issue?

The answer is yes. Some species of moss are known to be capable to stay alive even if it is completely dried out. This can prove to be a problem particularly for homeowners who have tried to remove moss from their roofs using dry methods such as power washing or scraping. While these methods may appear to be effective at first, they often leave behind dead moss that can still trap moisture against your shingles, leading to the growth of other harmful organisms. It is crucial to completely remove all live and dead moss from your roof to prevent costly repair and health hazards. 

If you have dead or dried out moss on your roof, this is the perfect time to hire a professional roof cleaning and maintenance company to remove the moss as it will be easier to remove and is safer for the contractor.  

In the next paragraph, we will dive into some of the best practices for safely removing moss from your roof and preventing its regrowth.  

How to Clean Moss off Roof?  

Removing moss from a roof can be a tricky process, as moss can damage the roof over time if left unchecked. Here are some best practices for removing moss from a roof: 

  • Safety First: Safety should always be the first priority when working on a roof. Ensure you have the right equipment, including sturdy shoes with good traction and a safety harness. 
  • Gentle Cleaning: Avoid using a pressure washer or any other high-pressure cleaning method, as this can damage the roof. Instead, use a gentle cleaning solution, such as a mixture of water and mild detergent or a specialized roof moss cleaner that is rated by the EPA. Apply the solution to the affected area and let it sit for several minutes. 
  • Soft Scrubbing: After the solution has had time to work, use a soft-bristled brush or a sponge to gently scrub the moss off the roof. Be careful not to apply too much pressure as this can damage the roof. 
  • Rinse Thoroughly: After the moss has been removed, rinse the roof thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. 
  • Prevent Future Growth: To prevent moss from growing back on your roof, trim overhanging tree branches and ensure the roof is properly ventilated to prevent moisture buildup. 

Overall, removing moss from a roof should be done with care and gentleness to avoid damaging the roof. If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, it’s best to hire a professional to handle the job. 

If you are uncomfortable doing this yourself, you should consider hiring a professional roof cleaner to do the job for you. Professional roof cleaners have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely remove moss and prevent it from growing back. Regular cleaning and maintenance by a professional can also extend the life of your roof and save you from costly repairs in the long run. Don’t wait until you have a major moss problem on your hands – take proactive steps to keep your roof clean and free of harmful organisms. 

How to Prevent Moss Growth on Roof?

To prevent moss growth on your new roof, you can take several steps beyond those mentioned earlier. For example: 

  • Use zinc or copper flashing: In addition to metal strips on the ridge of the roof, consider installing zinc or copper flashing around features such as chimneys and skylights. These materials can help prevent moss growth and add to your roof’s overall durability. 
  • Keep your roof clean: Regular cleaning can go a long way in preventing moss buildup. You can use a gentle brush or broom to remove debris like leaves and branches that could trap moisture and create a hospitable environment for moss. 
  • Improve ventilation: Proper roof ventilation is important for preventing moisture buildup, which can contribute to moss growth. Make sure your attic or crawl space is well-ventilated to reduce the risk of moss and other problems. 
  • Remove Trees and limbs that cover home: Removing any trees or branches that are covering the roof can also help prevent moss growth. This is because shade from trees can create a damp and humid environment, which is a breeding ground for moss. By letting more sunlight reach the roof, you can help keep it dry and prevent moss from taking hold.  

By following these and other preventive measures, you can help ensure that your new roof stays free of moss and other issues for years to come. 

Is Removing Moss From Roofs Necessary if I Like the Moss?

While moss on a roof can look charming and give a natural feel to a home, it can also cause damage over time. Moss tends to hold moisture, which can seep into the roof and damage the underlying materials, leading to leaks and other issues. Additionally, moss can be a slip hazard when wet, making it potentially dangerous for anyone walking on the roof. 

You may want to consider a green roof if you like the rustic and natural look of a grassy roof. Green roofs are designed to reduce the environmental impact of a building by covering the roof with soil and plants, creating a living ecosystem in the urban environment. These roofs not only provide aesthetic benefits but also help reduce energy costs, improve air quality, and retain storm water. However, it is important to note that green roofs require specialized building and maintenance, and may not be suitable for all types of homes or climates.  

Contact DaBella if You Are in Need of Roof Replacement

If your roof is showing signs of moss growth and is getting to age where it is time to get a replacement, consider hiring us, the trusted roofer near you. It is wise to consider a roof replacement instead of a cleaning if your roof is older than 20 years or so.  

This is because cleaning alone may not address underlying issues that come with age, such as weakened materials or damage to the roof structure. By opting for a replacement, you can ensure the longevity and durability of your roof, as well as avoid potential problems in the future. DaBella is a roofing company that can provide you with quality roof replacement services, as well as guidance on the best options for your specific needs and budget. Don’t hesitate to contact us for professional and reliable assistance with your roofing needs. 

DaBella is the preferred roofing company for homeowners looking to add lasting value in their home with high quality GAF roofing shingles and materials that are proven to withstand the test of time. With DaBella’s state-of-the-art installation methods and exceptional customer service, homeowners can enjoy a new roof that not only improves the look and curb appeal of their home, but also provides reliable protection against the elements. When it comes to preventing moss growth on your roof, working with a trusted and experienced roofing company like DaBella can make all the difference. Whether you’re in need of preventative measures or a full roof replacement, DaBella can help you find the right solution for your needs and budget. Contact DaBella today at 844-DaBella for a free no obligation estimate. 


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Steven Shortridge

District Manager

Portland, OR

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