Custom Sliding Patio door with casement windows surrounding the door.

What is More Secure – Patio Doors or French Doors? 

5 minutes

Patio doors and French doors are both popular choices, but which one offers better security? Here, we will examine the security features of both types of doors to help you make an informed decision. 

Which Patio Doors Are Most Secure? 

Sliding glass doors, also known as gliding or patio doors, are a popular option for many homeowners. These doors typically come with multi-point locking systems, reinforced frames, and impact-resistant glass options, making them a secure choice for your home. 

Conversely, French doors add a classic and elegant touch to your outdoor space. Available in materials such as wood, fiberglass, and vinyl, French doors often feature strong deadbolt locks and sturdy frames, providing excellent security. 

When assessing the security of patio doors, several factors should be considered. Choose doors with laminated or tempered glass, which is harder to break. Reinforced frames made from materials like steel or aluminum add an extra layer of protection. Additionally, multi-point locking systems distribute the force applied to the door, making it more difficult to breach. 

How to Make French Doors More Secure 

If you are concerned about the security of your French doors, there are several steps you can take to enhance their safety. By installing additional security features, reinforcing the doors against forced entry, and selecting the right locks and hardware, you can make your French doors more secure and provide peace of mind for your family. 

One effective way to improve the security of your French doors is by adding security features. Consider installing a security bar or brace to prevent the doors from being forced open. These devices can be easily installed and provide an extra layer of protection against break-ins. 

Reinforcing your French doors against forced entry is another critical step. You can reinforce the door frame by installing metal plates or strike plates. These plates help strengthen the area where the door locks into the frame, making it more resistant to forced entry. 

How to Make Sliding Patio Doors More Secure 

By taking a few extra steps to improve the security of your sliding patio doors, you can enhance the safety and peace of mind for your family. Here are some tips to make your sliding patio doors more secure: 

Reinforce the frames by installing solid wood or metal frames that are more resistant to forced entry. Additionally, reinforcing the corners and hinges of the frames can further increase their strength. 

Upgrade the glass in your sliding patio doors to laminated or tempered glass, which is more difficult to break. These types of glass are designed to withstand impact and provide an extra layer of security against potential intruders. 

Ensure that the tracks are in good condition and well-maintained. Consider installing a secondary locking mechanism, such as a track lock or a security bar, to prevent unauthorized access. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the disadvantages of French doors? 

They are less energy-efficient than traditional windows due to their large glass panels. Additionally, they may be more susceptible to drafts and noise pollution, especially in areas with high winds or traffic. French doors also require more maintenance, such as cleaning and sealing, to prevent water damage and ensure proper functioning. 

Do sliding doors seal better than French doors? 

The overlapping panels of sliding doors create a tighter seal against the weather, helping to reduce drafts and energy loss. Additionally, the fewer moving parts in sliding doors compared to French doors can contribute to a more secure seal over time. However, the specific sealing performance of both types of doors can vary depending on factors such as installation quality, materials used, and the overall condition of the doors. 

What is the most secure door type? 

The most secure back patio door is often considered a sliding patio door with a multi-point locking system. This system uses multiple locking points along the door’s length, making it more difficult for intruders to force open. Additionally, sliding patio doors with tempered glass or laminated glass are more resistant to breakage. 

Are patio doors easier to break into? 

While sliding patio doors can be more susceptible to break-ins than some other door types, modern designs and installation practices have significantly improved their security. Features like multi-point locking systems, tempered or laminated glass, and high-quality hardware can make sliding patio doors a reliable choice. It is crucial to select a reputable installer and maintain your door properly to minimize the risk of forced entry. 

Benefits of Choosing Secure Sliding Patio Doors from DaBella 

Our sliding patio doors are equipped with a multi-point locking system featuring a strong steel bolt design. This system ensures that the door is tightly sealed and provides an extra layer of protection against potential intruders. With our doors, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is secure. 

The robust construction of our Glasswing vinyl sliding patio doors acts as a deterrent to burglaries and break-ins. The strong steel bolt design, along with additional security features, makes it extremely difficult for unauthorized individuals to force their way into your home through the patio doors. 

Our sliding patio doors not only enhance security but also help prevent energy loss. The tight seal created by the multi-point locking system ensures that there are no gaps or drafts, reducing heat transfer and helping to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. 

If you are considering upgrading your patio doors and want to prioritize security, contact us today at 844-DaBella to schedule a free estimate. Our expert team will guide you through the process and help you choose the best sliding patio doors for your home. 


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Steven Shortridge

District Manager

Portland, OR

Learn more about Steven